
Company Information
Company name CZAV
Business type Distributeur
Address Oostelijke Kanaalweg 5
Zipcode + city 4424 NC Wemeldinge
Website Home (
Active with Agro CloSer in the following countries: NL

GLN-location information

Location type

GLN-number Address
Billing address 8714253093123 CZAV
Oostelijke Kanaalweg 5
4424 NC Wemeldinge
Location address 8714253093024 CZAV
Oostelijke Kanaalweg 5
4424 NC Wemeldinge
Location address 8714253093017 CZAV Dinteloord
Havenweg 67
4671 RM Dinteloord
Location address 8714253093079 CZAV Axel
Axelse Sassing
Industrieweg Z 11
4554 LL Westdorpe